Category Archives: ze Brain Farts


ze Brain Farts

LA Marathon Madness!

The weekend of the LA Marathon is here and boy, is it a maddening one! I’m still in the process of packing and putting my playlist tog [...]

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

As you may (or mightn’t) know, I’m not Irish*. That doesn’t stop me from celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in my own wa [...]

Healthy eating FAIL.

Ok, I think I’m going to have to deal with eating unhealthy food and just balance it out with healthy food (i.e., more whole grains, f [...]

2009 Race recap & realisation

You’re not dreaming. You are in fact, reading a post of my 2009 races; a recap, rather. Yes, it’s March 2010 and 2009 was so las [...]

New splashie!

WHEEEEEE! I finally got around to updating the splash page und ze latest image was borne out of boredom… It was sisy’s turn to d [...]

RW’s Daily Kick in the Bum

I don’t train to beat another runner. We are out there together, competing with the marathon, and I train to run the marathon as fast [...]

ThinkGeek’s WoAH. Brisket Sarnie.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out this morning (upon checking the Tweets on my feed [or issit feeds on my tweets?]) that my fav geeky s [...]

Quads sore. Ajax, JS, PHP to be continued.

I’m still sore; meaning, my quadriceps are screaming for stretching and all that jazz to free it from its bonds of tightness  (or som [...]

Weekend (food) recap.

The weekend isn’t over and I feel like– nay, am compelled to share my fall from nutritional grace once more >_< It’s [...]

Earth Hour 2010!

Last year, I participated in my very first “Earth Hour“. Basically, on a particular day in March (this year, it’s on the 2 [...]

How to tie your shoelace

LOL I thought I was imagining what I was reading when I opened the latest email from Runner’s World, but nope. The link was about how [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 12 days since first blog post.