Category Archives: ze Brain Farts


Energy Boosting Foods!

Another great article from Runner’s World. Curiously, it was written in 2007 but linked in a 2009 email (I subscribe to their newslett [...]

Aww… Someone else got to it.

A month ago, Sheryl and I were discussing over IM how it would be soooo cool to track peoples’ heartrates in-real-time and online. How [...]

Conspiracy theory?

Remember a few weeks back when we had those earthquakes over a magnitude of 3.5? Well, I noticed that they sort of coincided with the appear [...]

Memorial Day

We cherish too, the Poppy red That grows on fields where valor led, It seems to signal to the skies That blood of heroes never dies. – [...]

California Island!

AHHHHH! Okie, I don’t know how I came upon this map but I thought it was kinda creepy… At that time, at least according to the W [...]

Volunteering and Raffles

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted about my Church’s website. Looking back through the years, or at least the days tha [...]

Midweek Food-for-Thought

Got this off of those Runner’s World Quote of the Day email: “Running gives me a sense of controlling my life. I like the finite [...]


On Sunday, our supper was rudely interrupted by a 4.7 magnitude earthquake. Epicentre was Lennox, about 5 miles away from where I live. This [...]

Green Tea

I <3 green tea, but I hardly have enough of it ( daily, weekly or even monthly). After reading an article (and its source, see below) ab [...]


I didn’t do my 6-miler yesterday and didn’t run my 11-mile training run today, either! Ugh. I hope I’m not falling ill. &g [...]

I haz new biskelet!

Well, technically it’s not a new bicycle but it’s new to me. ^_^ Thanks to my fabulous big sis (yes, the Crazy Runner, Minel), t [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 12 days since first blog post.