Category Archives: ze Brain Farts


Habemus Papam!

Took quite a break during work today to watch and join the rest of the world on who would be the new Pope. It’s definitely a historic [...]

Second Death Anniversary

Can’t believe it’s already been two years since Herman’s passing. I was kinda reminiscing last night about the “good [...]

Silly me.

My sis and I travelled to Mammoth last weekend. Though there would not be any new snow, we were still excited as it was our first visit this [...]

Update update update

So much for maintaining my weekly posts here! I guess I should just jump right into it, before I get into other tangents: On January 27th, I [...]

Everyday Activities + Calories Burned

I read this article on Discover Health and decided to make a mini cheat-sheet for my Pinterest page. 🙂 Of course, calories burned vary fr [...]

Running, Fundraising, and Pampering

It was a wonderful weekend. Despite my mini-anxiety on Friday with regards to my 20mi run, I ended up completing that distance — albei [...]

So far so good.

(What is Bryan Adams’ album title from 1993) 😉 Since the New Year (minus a few days of indulging in some junk food), I’ve bee [...]

13 Resolutions!

Right. Ten Eleven days into the new year, and I’m finally ready to set some (realistic) goals on what to accomplish/ improve upon thi [...]

Prayers for Sandy Hook Victims

  Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is do [...]

NaNoWriMo 2012

November is almost here and although I only wrote 700 words last year, I’m hoping (despite everything else going on… i.e., work [...]


Quick recap… details later! Nike Women’s Marathon (half distance): Course PR’d! Although, had I not walked in some parts w [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 5 months, and 2 days since first blog post.