Category Archives: ze Brain Farts


3 days until LA Marathon 2011

I’m officially freaking out. There’s only 3 days left and I’ve done all the training I can do before the LA Marathon. The [...]

First Friday and every Friday in Lent

OK, Lent has begun and this year, I won’t be able to give up (the) Facebook for 40 days. Nor will I be able to give up foursquare, Twi [...]

In Loving Memory

God saw you getting tired, And a cure was not to be, So He put his arms around you, And whispered “Come to Me” With tearful eyes [...]

Rest in Peace, my brother.

16 September 1971 – 1 March 2011 My good friend, big bro and fellow geek, Herman, passed away last night in Long Beach, California. H [...]

Prayers for a Friend

I was set on just posting a recap of my workouts last week, but got a text message this morning regarding the status of my good friend, Herm [...]

A Running Reality Check

Only 25 days to go until the Los Angeles Marathon and I know for a fact that I will NOT be able to get a marathon personal best… I wil [...]

2010 Perspective on New Years’ Eve

Happy eve of the New Year! Though the previous months don’t reflect it, I feel like I haven’t been posting on this journal as mu [...]

Shilly-shally training and stickers!

AHHHHHH. First week into my Los Angeles Marathon training and… I did not do all 3 midweek runs; in other words, did not do a single wo [...]

Training Timetable!

Soz for the posting hiatus; I was on a month-long break from running and working out and now that I’m “back” (and despite [...]

Delayed Goal Setting

/pause freaking out. I’m three days away from my 9th half-marathon, nearly six years since I began running at least one half-marathon [...]

No London in 2011, chance of Los Angeles 80%

Well, I finally received it — the rejection notice from the Race Director of the Virgin London Marathon 2011. After a few odd months o [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D. | Celebrating 22 years, 4 months, and 11 days since first blog post.