BASE Performance Tri Team
FLO Factory Team
Hutch’s Bicycle Garage
Honey Stinger Hive
Countdown to Ironman California
weeks-12-7days0-3hours-20minutes0-6seconds0-3Upcoming Races
LA Marathon – 26.2 Road – Los Angeles
20 March 2022
RAGE Triathlon – Olympic Distance – Lake Mead
30 April 2022
Las Vegas Triathlon – Olympic Distance – Lake Mead
1 October 2022
Ironman California – Triathlon – Sacramento
23 October 2022Sign of the Times
5km: 0:25:20 Road (2013)
10km: 0:54:11 Road (2013)
13.1mi: 2:09:47 Road (2016)
26.2mi: 5:16:54 Road (2012)
50km: 7:11:24 Trail (2015)
50mi: 12:56:58 Trail (2017)
24hrs: 38.5mi (2020)
48hrs: 103.5 miles (2019)TRIATHLON
Olympic: 3:09:20 (2016)
70.3 (Half-Ironman): 7:19:26 (2016)OPEN WATER SWIM
1.2mi: 0:43:21 (2016)
2.4mi: 1:33:00 (2014)Twitter
- Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary 14:34 PST 08 March 2023
Tag Archives: Garmin
Workout Records ...
Updates mashup! Mashup update?
Whoa. Talk about radio silence.
I haven’t posted much lately, not because there’s not that much to share but there’s too m [...]
Recap: Bay to Breakers 2010
On Sunday, my sisters, Irene, Dexi and I (with a couple more friends) “ran” the 99th annual Bay to Breakers 12k. I put ran in-be [...]
Long Run Training: 13 miles
This was not a bad training run — actually, I fared better at this run than last week’s long run. My left knee, as usual, began [...]
Barefoot Training: 5 miles
This has been my longest barefoot run evar and I feel no pain in my right arch! wOOtness. Of course, my right calf is already feeling kinda [...]
Long Run Training: 15 miles
Meh. I was able to do a semi-strong 10-mile run with 6/1 interval but by then, I really had to start walking cos my left knee was hurting ag [...]
Long Run Training: 8 miles (taper)
This was my last long run before the Los Angeles Marathon. The thing is, I wanted to do 12 miles, but then decided to lower the amount to 10 [...]
Long Run Training: 20 miles
Talk about jumping right back into training. I took two weeks off to rehabilitate my left knee (which was acting up) and although the swimmi [...]
Alternate Training: Cycling (30 miles)
As planned (and as encouraged by Sheryl), I went for a bike ride in lieu of my scheduled 20-mile run today. By the time I reached the 5 mile [...]