Tag Archives: Herman Atienza

Will not count myself out!

Last weekend, I ran the most mileage I have done in a while: 20 miles. I divided the workout into two segments, a 15-miler on hills and unsh [...]

Calling all and any angels!

I’m raising funds again for the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. Like last year, my sisters and I will be running [...]

Happy (Gregorian Calendar) New Year

Belated Happy New Year anyway. I generally write down my New Year Resolutions around February, but since Chinese New Year is somewhat earlie [...]

Recap: KP San Fran 13.1

Race: 28th Annual Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon Date: February 6th, 2011 Start Time: 8:00AM Location: Golden Gate Park, San [...]
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