Tag Archives: Hermosa Beach Triathlon

Kindness towards strangers

I completed my second sprint triathlon yesterday on October 9th and as I take a break from writing my race report (well, technically, I have [...]

October Goals

I haven’t done this in a while, so here goes… some quick-and-dirty goals for October 2011. Of course, I should have sat down ear [...]

Week 5, a 10K PR, and NWM training update

I’m holding up pretty well to the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) challenge. It’s been five weeks since I went from s [...]

Recap: Redondo Beach Triathlon

Race: Day at the Beach Triathlon (Hermosa Beach, CA) Date: June 12, 2011 Start Time: 7:30AM Location: Redondo Beach Pier /Veteran’s Pa [...]

Recap: Day at the Beach Triathlon

Race: Day at the Beach Triathlon (Hermosa Beach, CA) Date: October 10, 2010 Start Time: 7:00AM Location: Hermosa Beach Pier I did it! I fini [...]

No London in 2011, chance of Los Angeles 80%

Well, I finally received it — the rejection notice from the Race Director of the Virgin London Marathon 2011. After a few odd months o [...]

10k + Sprint tri + 13.1 + 26.2 = Overloaded October

I just added a 10K race to the already busy month of October.  I needed to do a 14mi run on that day, anyway, so why not run a 10K (6.2mi) [...]

Training Mashup (part deux)

Summer is officially over for me (sort of). I need to buckle down and get back into training for three events (read THREE) in October: the H [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D.

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