Tag Archives: LA Marathon

Weather Forecast for #LAMarathon

Am I excited for my upcoming marathon? Yes. Am I worried about the weather (as forecasted below)? Hell yes. It’s going to be another H [...]

Training Setbacks

I haven’t done this in a while… posted something other than an Instagram image! I suppose I felt compelled to vent about my cur [...]

Managing expectations

I went on a “training run” this weekend. Training run is in quotes because it was only 3 miles, or rather about 3 miles short [...]

Race Recap: My first half marathon…

The title is a misnomer. I have done over 25 half marathons before this one, but this morning’s inaugural National Nurses Half Marath [...]

LA Marathon Aftermath

It’s the Thursday after the Los Angeles Marathon and my thoughts are still brewing over what I want to include in my race report. Shor [...]

Running, Fundraising, and Pampering

It was a wonderful weekend. Despite my mini-anxiety on Friday with regards to my 20mi run, I ended up completing that distance — albei [...]

Happy birfday, Herman!

On September 16th, my sisters and I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon. That day would have been our good friend, [...]

Will not count myself out!

Last weekend, I ran the most mileage I have done in a while: 20 miles. I divided the workout into two segments, a 15-miler on hills and unsh [...]

Pack Running

My sis and I finally made it to our first official LA Leggers’ training run for the LA Marathon. I say first, because I haven’t [...]

A Challenge & Commitments

So much for updating my journal more than twice a month! LOL. Anyway, I’ve been slacking lately and not just with posting here but wi [...]

A month!

In (nearly) a month since the LA Marathon, I PR’d my 5K, danced at my friend’s wedding in 4 1/2″ heels, swam in the ocean, [...]
Grâce à Allo les Parents pour le thème. All logos copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. Everything else copyright © Raciel D.

RaDragon.com | Celebrating 22 years, 6 months, and 2 days since first blog post.