Tag Archives: Los Angeles Marathon

Bye 2014, hello 2015

I tend to write up a year in review post, but since I hardly met my (running) goals last year, I’ve decided to just post my DailyMil [...]

Three goals for 2014

I’m keeping it svelte for 2014 with three main goals, one of which I’m labelling optional since I have to play my fitness by ear [...]

So far so good.

(What is Bryan Adams’ album title from 1993) 😉 Since the New Year (minus a few days of indulging in some junk food), I’ve bee [...]

Shilly-shally training and stickers!

AHHHHHH. First week into my Los Angeles Marathon training and… I did not do all 3 midweek runs; in other words, did not do a single wo [...]

In the meantime…

Sorry for the lack of updates for the past… 2 months! ACK! I kinda got tired of my previous journal theme, too, so I had to post this [...]
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